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Echoo is a teenager. His story and his daily life resemble that of any Agorian of his age. He spends his days at the training center and except for a few banalities that he exchanges in the evening at dinner (the only time when communication is authorized) he has no connection with his parents.


A few years ago, Echoo discovered an old spaceship toy. Since then, every night before going to bed, he takes his out of hiding and spends hours inventing adventure stories.


Echoo is a cheerful and lively young boy. He's a real hothead who can sometimes put himself in danger or in complicated situations. Comparing to the other people of his Planet, all formatted and dehumanized, Echoo feels in him a need and a desire that he cannot explain.


Curious about everything, he always tries to understand, to open doors that he is not supposed to open, to explore new paths. Unfortunately, Agora offers no perspective to a personality like his. The days are the same and all the meals taste the same. The curious people are forbidden and the dream are shut off. So, after all these years of frustration, the sparkle of Echoo fell asleep a bit.


Echoo will learn the reality of the Universe. He will feel emotions for the first time, have his first laugh and drop his first tears the day he leaves Samsü-Rapi, his mentor. Later, the young adventurer will realize that he does not age physically, which means that he is not Agorian but indeed a Shepherd. This awareness will upset his whole perception of life.


Master the ardor of his youth to take fewer unnecessary risks during his various quests. He will have to learn to think before acting and to become wiser.


Find the relics to open the portal to cross a Black Hole.



Alter Echoo is a very old 12 years old girl. She belongs to the Shepherd people and therefore no longer ages after a certain age.


His father, Ilü-rapi, was a scientific Shepherd  dissident. When the Universe became a danger for itself, he searched for a way to save it. His plan was to migrate their Cosmos to another Universe by crossing a Black Hole. But the Shepherds were against this idea. Ilü-rapi then decided to accomplish his business alone and asked his only daughter to hide the three devices allowing the portal opening while waiting for his return.


He also asked a friend Civilisation to watch over her. Alter Echoo was therefore raised on an Archaic Planet, by one of the rare non-human People who raised her as one of their own.


Alter Echoo is a calm, down on earth and thoughtful young girl. Highly educated and close to nature, she is a sensitive soul. Always cheerful and ready to help, she never shows her anxieties. But when she is alone, she expresses all her pain in the diary she has kept since the day her father left. Every evening, she hopes that he will finally come back for her.


Their meeting transcends feelings and emotions.


Alter Echoo will have to leave her planet and her adopted family to follow her father's footsteps with Echoo.



Find her father.



Contrary to what she tells everyone, Tchap Tchap was born into a very wealthy family. Already very young, she felt different and was always considered the ugly duckling.


While his brothers and sisters played board games in the large family home, Tchap Tchap spent her days with the gardener who taught her everything he knew about plants, crafts, mechanics and card games.


In rebellion with her parents since childhood, Tchap Tchap left her home as soon as she could without even looking back. Thanks to her knowledge of mechanics and poker, she quickly managed to earn money.


From odd jobs to bluffing, Tchap Tchap has built a reputation for being the best up-and-coming mechanic in the Cosmos and also the biggest cheater at the poker tables.


Tchap Tchap is a lonely adventurer who only thinks about having fun and improving her self-built ship. She likes to laugh, play, and put herself in dangerous situations. The mechanic likes to look like a tough one, but she has her heart on her sleeve and she's always ready to help others.


When she meets Echoo, Tchap-Tchap is impressed by the ship that this very young man has built all by himself. She develops a friendship and tenderness for him, ready to do anything to help him accomplish his mission.



Help Echoo recover the relics and escape the minions her parents have put after her to bring her home.



Samsü-Rapi is one of the oldest protectors in the universe. Direct descendant of Hammü-Rapi, the first Shepherd, she lived for a long time on their native planet. When the High Council of the Protectors confirmed that the Agorians were destroying their own planet, Samsü-rapi was sent to restore order and watch over them.



Samsü-Rapi is a gentle and calm woman who does not hesitate to become firm and intractable when the situation requires it.


Samsü-Rapi has watched over Echoo since he was a child. The protector immediately noticed that her protege was different from the others, more curious, more dreamy. One day, admiring by the little boy he was, out of sight, she placed an old miniature spaceship in his path.


During Echoo's training, Samsü-Rapi got fond of her student. A complicity was born between the two and the young boy quickly became like an adopted son for the Protector.



Train, instruct and help Echoo to face his destiny.



Passerine is a mystical entity from the Absolute which evolves in the physical Universe. Her incredible energy resource allows her to change state and act on her environment in supernatural proportions. The existence of star sisters is so mysterious that they are considered as legends. The few who see them are not believed. The children chase them in a game consisting of catching a flying luminous ball, and the jewelers create jewels in their image.  

The star sisters are attracted by the special vibration emitted by the Sui Generis, "guide" individuals whose acts have a fundamental influence on the Universe. They caring them in the realization of their work.  


Passerine is like all star sisters. She only helps the Sui Generis she is coupled with when it is for the benefit of the balance of the Universe, which can sometimes take extraordinary proportions.


After pairing with Samsü-Rapi for a cycle of millions of years, Passerine commits towards Echoo. Thanks to her, the young Discoverer will cross a Black Hole.




Ensuring the Balance of the Universe




Like his father and grandfather before him, Admiral Tux is part of the only Army Corps in the Universe. Its main mission is to defend the Cosmos and its inhabitants from the Black Bugs.


When he was a child, his father was not often at home, but always on a mission in a distant galaxy. On his returns, he told him about all his Adventures, the merciless battles, the different Planets, the military strategies. Little Tim dreamed of following his father's footsteps and one day becoming a General.


His mother raised him gently and lovingly. She taught him to always put others first and to treat everyone with kindness.


The day when it was announced to Tim that his father had been killed during an attack of Black Bugs, the young teenager then had only one obsession : to take over. He entered the military academy. Being better in everything, unsurprisingly, he came 1st in the school contest and very quickly became the most respected General in all the Galaxies.


Tim tux is a good, upright man who tends to put the world before himself. He has an iron discipline, gets up at dawn every morning to optimize his physical condition and check that everything is in order on his ship, the Star-Tux. Every night, he studies new information sent by scientists about the Black Bugs. Tim Tux is 50 but looks 35.


When they first meet, General Tux saves Echoo's life in a fierce battle against the Black Bugs. But when Echoo decides to cross a Black Hole against the advice of the Shepherds, Admiral Tux is sent to stop him.


The Admiral is torn between his sense of duty and his faith in Echoo.



Prevent Echoo from crossing the Black Hole.

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