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{ CycleS } and  | | IntervalS | |

{{ The beginning of the year, the end of the yeaR }{ The beginning of the month, the end of the montH }{ The beginning of the week, end of the weeK }{ The beginning of of the day of the week of the month of the year, the end of the day of the week of the month of the yeaR }{ My birthday date which will return in a year, like all the other dates of the calendar, like l summer, fall, winter and spring, such as dawns, zeniths and duskS }

| | The beginning of breakfast, the end of breakfasT | | The beginning of the shower, the end of the showeR  | | The beginning of the metro journey, the end of the metro journeY | | The beginning of my meeting, the end of my meetinG | | The beginning of my coffee, the end of my coffeE | | The beginning of the piece of music, the end of the piece of musiC | | The beginning of my lecture, the end of my lecturE | | The beginning of my break, the end of my breaK | | { The clock is ticking on my circular, cyclical, automatic, programmed diaL }

{ The beginning of the afternoon, the end of the afternoo}{ The beginning of the evening, the end of the eveninG }{ The beginning of the night, the end of the nighT  } | I wake up  | I is the beginning of the year agaiN }

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The beginning, the birth, the hope, what remains behind. The end, death, fate, what lies ahead. I am somewhere here, caught between this Beginning and this End, transferred from cycle to cycle, walled in moments, crossing finish lines which are also starting lines, without space, without air, without respite ; a linear and anxious perception of existence, created by Man, who claimed the predominance of Time in order to capture it so that it does not go away.  

Time, which by definition has its own beginning and its own end. Time destroys eternity, thus imposing on Man to constantly doubt, question, in order to Frame and Justify his Existence, scientifically, spiritually. How, Why, Who, When, Where. What was there before the first start ? What will be after the last ending?  

What if, all of a sudden, before our eyes, here, now, the notion of Time vanished. Of all that Man has ever perceived, there will be no more beginnings or ends. No more before, no after. No more causes, no consequences. But the obvious. The shattered state. Eternity.

If, all of a sudden, here and now, the notion of Time vanished, then there would be no more questions to ask. What would we perceive then?  

the absolute

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